Practical exercises of rehabilitation of the voice that we can make with our children could be to take advantage of the moment in which they watch TV or the time to go to bed to make sequences of inspirations and expirations playing to the belly is a balloon that has to be inflate, checking that only that area is inflated, and noting that the neck and shoulders are relaxed.

Another type of puff exercises that we can perform in a playful way to make them attractive is using grinders, pomperas, candles, balloons, straws, marbles simulating a football game on the table.

Exercises of lips, tongue and jaw that favor the correct articulation and, consequently, that the voice of your child comes out cleaner. They can be made during the brushing in front of the mirror, taking advantage of the fact that they are attractive and funny exercises when simulating the different movements (grimaces / mocking).

Good fonorespiratoria coordination is to take advantage of the air we have inspired when talking, and avoid talking once we have exhausted that air, because that way we will physically tighten our body and, therefore, the voice will will be cut and forced.

Practicing with reading stories by lines or phrases is a good exercise that, in addition, they like a lot because it is done jointly.

Indicators that help us know where to stop to breathe. A very simple exercise is to produce the sound / s /, / f / and / z / after having inspired and measuring the duration time. By doing a mean we obtain our expiration / phonation time without forcing.

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