For this year 2018 your health will be favorable. You could suffer from several recurring infections that will force you to medical consultation. It is important that throughout this year you maintain the balance between diet and exercise.


Control the feeding and maintain a sport routine. In the middle of the year you will suffer some episodes of insomnia that will unleash small accidents at home without importance.


For this year, in the cold season your throat is your weak point and you could catch more than one annoying cold. Try to sleep the hours you need to regain strength, keep the exercise you do, and to take care of your skeletal system consume foods rich in calcium.


Your sedentary lifestyle can transcend your state of health. It is important that you propose a routine of daily exercise. Make yourself a schedule and create a routine so that everything goes well. Control your addiction to fats and dairy if your plan is to have a sculptural figure.


You should spend more time on yourself. Try to walk, go to the mountains, relax and not be locked all day at home. You could have problems in your circulatory system, so it would be better to eliminate fats from your diet. Beware of sugars, this year may leave you difficult to overcome.


Your health will improve compared to last year. Having a positive mind is a perfect defense for the diseases that surround us. You will have the same old pains and worries, but you will be happy. Preventive prescriptions will also have helped this good state of health. You will release positive energy and with it you will achieve everything you propose, beware of accidents.


It will be a year of taking care of colds. Stress could cause hair loss and headaches. Combat the nerves with long sessions of gym and you will notice that your body is much better and you will feel every day a little more relieved. In the emotional realm, you’ll find yourself phenomenal, so you’ll splurge brightness and health.


You must take care of your figure and leave the sedentary lifestyle. The tensions in the economic plane can make your health worse, especially in everything that refers to diseases of the digestive system. You will have to be a little more attentive to everything you eat and not let the nerves accumulate in that area of ​​the body. It will tend to improve by mid-year.


It will be a year of taking care of skin lesions, using sunscreen and healing any wound.

Do not forget to go regularly to the doctor to prevent unwanted infections so you could find a long-term work stoppage. Rest is also important as the best way to recharge.


Take care of your mind of any manipulation. Be careful with violent changes in temperature, your lower back may suffer at the beginning of the year and you might get some back pain. Sleep more.


Beware of joint pains. To enjoy a good state of health and avoid headaches and general malaise, you just have to follow a balanced diet and not fall into excesses. This year will be marked by certain obsessions in terms of your physical appearance. You’d better avoid going through the operating room to undergo aesthetic operations that could bring you complications.


Beware of your reproductive system, do not allow infections or inappropriate handling of the area. Your weak point will be your lower back and sudden changes in temperature could produce more than intense pain. Try not to do rough exercises and use the holidays to relax in free spaces.

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