The following exercises contribute to the functioning of the knees, how to prevent injuries and to strengthen them.

Mini squats

Stand straight by holding on to the back of a chair, with your feet as far apart as your shoulders.

  • Slowly bend the knees to lower the body a little.
  • Keep your feet flat and without your knees over the toes. Hold the position for six seconds. Squeeze the buttocks slowly while straightening the knees.

Quadriceps Stretch

Stand straight, holding on to the back of a chair.

  • Step back with one leg, with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Press the buttocks behind the hips until you feel a pull on the thigh and hip of the back leg. Hold the position for ten seconds, release and repeat with the other leg.

Slip of leg

  • Stand up, making the back of a chair. Slide one foot back, with your toes on the floor, until you compress the buttocks. Slide the foot to the original position and repeat with the other leg.

Stretching the hamstring muscles

Sit on the edge of a chair.

  • Stretch one leg forward, with the heel on the floor and fingers pointing up. Leave the other foot flat on the floor.
  • Keeping your back straight, gently lean forward from the hips until you feel a pull on the back of the extended leg.
  • Hold ten seconds and release it. Repeat with both legs.

Eliminate the pressure of the knees.

Lose a pound will reduce four pounds of pressure on the knees

If this is the first time you start doing this type of exercise, start with a series of 3-4 repetitions until you reach 8 – 10 as you get stronger. When doing them with more facility, increase the number of series until arriving at three.

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